goplay: Embed Go Playground on your Website

This post is introducing a way to run Go snippets on websites. Which leveraged the official Go Playground service at
Let’s take a quick look at the two demos below. You can click the Run
button to see the output of the corresponding program. Click Share
button to open the code in the official Go Playground to further edit/test the code on your hand.
Demo 1. Hello World
package main
func main() {
println("hello world")
Demo 2. Import third-party package from GitHub
package main
import (
"" // 3rd-party packages: will be auto-downloaded
type ListUsersInput struct {
Page int64 `in:"query=page;default=1"`
PerPage int64 `in:"query=per_page;default=20"`
Token string `in:"header=x-access-token;required"`
func ListUsers(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
input := r.Context().Value(httpin.Input).(*ListUsersInput)
fmt.Printf("input: %#v\n", input)
func main() {
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/?page=3", nil)
r.Header.Set("X-Access-Token", "secret...")
handler := alice.New(
rw := httptest.NewRecorder()
handler.ServeHTTP(rw, r)
How it works?

Since we were not able to make AJAX requests directly to
because of CORS issue. I setted up a reverse proxy
, which works as a downstream of
. It is responsible to make requests on behalf of the clients to
and return the response back to the clients.
I also implemented a simple JS SDK @ggicci/goplay
to easily interact with the go playground service. Use it on your page to connect to your own reverse proxy and run go snippets.
Set up a reverse proxy to
with Caddy: {
header {
access-control-allow-origin ""
access-control-allow-headers "content-type"
access-control-allow-methods "OPTIONS,HEAD,GET,POST"
# only proxy the playground API of
route /_/* {
reverse_proxy {
header_up Host
respond 404
Use @ggicci/goplay
The dead simple SDK just implemented a class GoPlayProxy
with 3 primary APIs:
class GoPlayProxy {
// CTOR: specify a proxy url to connect
constructor(public proxyUrl: string = '/goplay') {}
// compile source code and get JSON response
public async compile(sourceCode: string, goVersion?: CompilerVersion): Promise<CompilerResponse>
// same as `compile`, but renders the JSON response as an `HTMLElement` into the specified container
public async renderCompile(container: HTMLElement, sourceCode: string, goVersion?: CompilerVersion): Promise<void>
// get the share URL of the source code
public async share(sourceCode: string, goVersion?: CompilerVersion): Promise<string>
Visit for more details.
Hugo Shortcode goplay
If your are using hugo to generate your website. This section should be helpful to you.
By using the goplay
shortcode, you can easily turn your Go code block into a Go playground. Take the following example, in your markdown file, just wrap the code block between {{% goplay %}}
and {{% /goplay %}}
## Sample Code
{{% goplay %}}
package main
func main() {
println("hello world")
{{% /goplay %}}
The latest code of goplay - hugo shortcode
used by this site (former version) can be found here. Save it under your hugo directory correspondingly. Typically it is ${YourHugoSiteRoot}/layouts/shortcodes/goplay.html
Use goplay in your Ghost Blog
My site is now using Ghost. Thanks to its Code Injection function (go to your blog settings and find it there), we can add our custom JavaScript code to drive goplay on our website.
The script I'm using on this website can be found here:
Who is using @ggicci/goplay
- httpin Documentation
- add yours here by commenting below :)